US Senate Catches The Bitcoin Bug

Contrary to the expectation of nefarious Rothschild proxies in the media, and general establishment incompetence in the financial community, today was not Doomsday in the Senate for Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies.

As FULCRUM accurately messaged to our viewers, the Senate hearing today was more exploratory, rather than the Chinese style ban-hammer approach some cryptocurrency naysayers were anticipating.


The powerful politicians in today's Senate hearing sounded the usual alarm bells about how the scary Internet currencies can scam seniors and the elderly. Okay, fair enough - Rothschild unbacked inflationary fiat currency is scamming our seniors also, just somewhat slower, and with certainty. 

And not all seniors are getting scammed - quite a few have gotten wildly rich off of Bitcoin and Ethereum over the last year or so. Most haven't forgotten their passwords. Most haven't been scammed by elite Russian hackers who never sleep. 

Yet condemning this new form of money would crater their investment, so maybe if these politicians care about not harming seniors' wealth, consider the reality that millions of American and Canadian seniors believe in cryptocurrency as an emerging asset class.

Coindesk reported ( on the Senate hearing in detail, and it sounds as if the old school Washington skepticism toward new technology was occasionally pierced by moments of genuine insight, such as this exchange during the hearing:

For instance, Giancarlo painted the markets as not only “new, evolving and international,” but generational. In a remark that saw widespread Twitter support, Giancarlo said it was paramount the innovation wasn’t quashed for younger Americans, who he portrayed as having a natural interest in cryptocurrencies.