Flodesk Begins Banning Business Accounts In Bizarre Anti-Bitcoin Rager

Flodesk is the worst email host / newsletter publishing service on the Internet. The treatment we have received over the last 24 hours is frankly wild. Details on today’s episode.

This sort of blatant discrimination against people who invest in Bitcoin or talk about Bitcoin would be acceptable (with some) in say, 2014 or 2015 — in mid-2023, it’s hilariously tone deaf, and just not really on the right page. Larry Fink’s words about Bitcoin are the biggest tech news story of the week. To not report on it would be an abdication of our journalistic responsibility to our viewers, subscribers, and listeners.

Shame on Flodesk. If any consumer rights lawyers are fans of FULCRUM, we are interested in hearing from you. We’d like to explore our options. https://fulcrumnews.com/contact