Updates 7.12.2020: Wayfair, Ghislaine Maxwell, And Do Nothin' Durham

New weekend episode on the Wayfair allegations, Ghislaine Maxwell’s eventual fate, and the latest deepstate decoy dud: US Attorney Durham.

Almost here — and 3.5 years of Q has made ‘laborers’ no more awake. Mere distractions to pass the time until COVID controlled collapse. Everything collapses, and then everything is made new again. Wild if true!

Almost here — and 3.5 years of Q has made ‘laborers’ no more awake. Mere distractions to pass the time until COVID controlled collapse. Everything collapses, and then everything is made new again. Wild if true!

ABOUT FULCRUM NEWS w/ DAVID SEAMAN: David Seaman was a regular guest on the Joe Rogan Experience, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Coast to Coast, HuffPost LIVE, and elsewhere. Now host of the Top Downloaded daily news update from FULCRUM, reaching a smart, politically diverse listenership throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and everywhere else politics is discussed.

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