Updates 8.14.2020: Durham's Big Nothingburger Is Unveiled

John Durham’s big deepstate takedown — after a year and a half or so of investigating — is a nobody FBI lawyer.

“Trust the plan” was pacification psyop and well-funded weirdo scam from day one, don’t change my mind, just see yourself out of the building. Lol. Populism got rekt by 3 years of a scammer that emerged from 4chan claiming to be a government insider… bringing down government insiders… Lol again. NSA would have such a person on the receiving end of a drone’s missile assemblage in about 30 minutes or less, like the old Domino’s Pizza guarantee.

Unsatisfying deepstate nothingburger, just like Huber before him, and “Trust Sessions” before that. New tune, same song.

Unsatisfying deepstate nothingburger, just like Huber before him, and “Trust Sessions” before that. New tune, same song.

Durham couldn’t get Podesta (not arrested, contrary to the claims of Q scammers), Durham couldn’t get anyone within 3,000 miles of a Clinton apparently, but finally he has the big one, we are made to believe on the FOX: a FBI lawyer nobody has heard of until today.

Really wild stuff, folks.

Turn off Dan Bongino, Sara Carter, and all these other hopium peddlers.

Time to figure out what happened to this country.