Hillary for 2020?

Recently, rumors began spreading across Twitter and news media outlets of a possible third presidential run by Hillary Clinton.  Could this be true? [ Read Article Here ]


Whether it is true or not, the idea of another run is pretty comical. I mean, we are talking about a woman, who rigged an election and STILL lost against a candidate with zero political experience. We are talking about a woman who in the aftermath, wrote a bitter book blaming others for the historical defeat to Donald Trump. We are talking about a woman, who spent almost two years on a blame tour, alienating the Democratic base from their own party. 

If the Democrats had any sense, they would not let that happen. Hillary Clinton running in 2016 with the cloud of several scandals over her head, did much damage to the credibility of the Democrat party. Not to mention, her international blame tour just made them look bad. Especially after Hillary infamously once said, "Anyone not willing to accept the results of an election, is a direct threat to democracy." Proceeding with a blame tour in the aftermath, aged her tweet faster than milk left to spoil. 

If Hillary decided to run, it would only help Trump, and in fact, widen the net of electoral votes. Even Donald Trump Jr, embraced the idea of a 2020 run.

Not to mention, Democrats themselves slammed Hillary back in March over comments during her India trip. During a speech, she slammed females for "voting for whoever their husbands and bosses voted for", implying that women were not independent voters in red states. The statement further alienated more democratic supporters away from Hillary in the aftermath. [ Read Article Here ]

If Hillary were to run, she would be contending for the first time, with a President having a current, higher approval rating at the same time in presidency than Obama. Alongside with the economic growth, and a victorious list of accomplishments within the first 15 months of Trump's presidency. Obama's abysmal economic growth the first time may have been an easier contest, but not the Trump economy. It would be interesting to see how Hillary would even be able to offer a message that could possibly stand up to the historical, economic accomplishments the Trump administration has already made. 

FACT SHEETS: President Donald J. Trump’s 500 Days of American Greatness [ HERE

However, for the sport of pure comedy, it would be fun to watch. Perhaps even be the last final nail in the demise of the Democratic party as we know it. 


Written By FULCRUM Contributor @PinkAboutIt