BOMBSHELL: "Epstein was strangled to death with a wire—he didn't kill himself"

CBS and other media outlets have released photos from authorities of deceased pedo billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, as well as the contents of his prison cell in New York’s Metropolitan Corrections Center. These images are disturbing, so reader discretion is advised before continuing.

Images from CBS News of Epstein’s neck, and the state of his prison cell after he was found dead.

Images from CBS News of Epstein’s neck, and the state of his prison cell after he was found dead.

As Human Events editor Ian Miles Cheong has reported on Twitter, “Dr. Baden says that the wound across Epstein's neck in the autopsy picture is more common with strangulation with a wire instead of a hanging. The ligature tends slides up towards the jaw bone and not rest in the middle of the neck. There are also multiple fractures in his neck.”

Additionally, Cheong tweets, “Further damage on his body includes contusions on both wrists, muscle hemorrhaging on his shoulder, abrasion on his left arm, a cut on his lip, and burst capillaries on his face, mouth and eyes. Defensive wounds. Epstein was strangled to death with a wire—he didn't kill himself.

This certainly adds new complexity to the Epstein scandal—there are reports that his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell is somewhere in the Mideast, shuffling between “safe houses” with 24/7 armed protection.

Attorney General William Barr has maintained that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide.

What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Part 2— DESPICABLE: Jeffrey Epstein "Gifted" Three 12-Year-Olds On His Birthday